IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Survey On Recognition Of Foreign Body Object Swallowed By Pediatric

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Dr. Kuppala Saritha,Bingi Manorama Devi,Dr. V.Lokeswara Reddy,Karuna Valisammmagari


Today the clinical field has given us more offices to improve the medical care for the general public. In this work, fundamentally talking about the viable division strategy to distinguish unfamiliar bodies in the body. The essential focal points of this work is to overview and propose the best Artificial Intelligence technique with an original plan to identify effectively the outside bodies in the stomach involving the division cycle. In the clinical field, there are numerous procedures for recognizing the outside article and furthermore sectioning the unfamiliar bodies from human life structures yet, there is a requirement for enhancements in the clinical picture handling procedures. So we propose one concept with a novel structure that gives better outcomes while portioning the Scanning of a body having unfamiliar item with better exactness also, with a quicker outcome. In this novelty surveys the various capacities done in the zone of Segmentation measure utilizing Machine Learning applied to Scan pictures, and the procedures like pre-processing, division.

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