IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study on Tracking Attendance with RFID Technology

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Rohaila Naaz


Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a common wireless identification method used to assign unique identifiers to a wide variety of items, including people, vehicles, and merchandise. When compared to the previous method, this one has many more benefits, is safer, more secure, and simpler to implement, all while having fewer prerequisites. Both the RFID tag and the RFID reader work together to make this system very quickly. Student attendance has recently been recognized as one of the critical factors or concerns that indicate academic accomplishments and effectiveness provided to any institution, as opposed to old approaches that enforce time-consuming and inefficient requirements. Various automated identifying methods, like Radio Frequency Identification, have become increasingly popular (RFID). This study uses RFID technology to address the reoccurring issue of tracking student attendance in less-resourced classrooms. This study also shows that using RFID to track students' whereabouts in the classroom may save both students' and teachers' time, allowing for more accurate attendance tracking and better management choices.

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