IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Prof Kale Rohini Shankar


Internet and e commerce's rise has transformed the global indicia of business. With the advent of online marketing or internet marketing or e-marketing, business changes, and electronic commerce became one of the most prominent trends. Its focus on promoting and selling products or services via digital channels involves a diverse portfolio of strategies and approaches. The e-marketing takes advantage of internet's widened the reach and connectivity for customer segmentation and audiences targeting. Businesses nowadays find it easier to disseminate information from their websites, social media, search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo), ads on mobile apps, and even through emails to the target audience. E-marketing however, makes use of data analytics to figure out the effectiveness of the campaign, the moves a customer made and industry trends. This data-driven approach makes it possible to reduce the spendings wasted on marketing campaigns and increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts as a whole. Along with the spread of digital channels, e-marketing long trail is mainly the multi-channel kind(customers at different levels of a customer's buy reader).

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