IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Secularism means that anyone can practice the religion they want or cannot practice if they don’t want and the government cannot force them to practice any religion. They cannot make them part of any religion if they do not want to. India does not accept any religion as state religion. It maintains absolute impartiality towards all religions. Secularism in India means equal treatment of all religions by the state. The idea of secularism in India imagines acknowledgment of religious laws as official on the state, and equivalent interest of the state in various religions though the western idea of secularism envisions separation of religion and state. A secular state is one where there is no official religion of the state. It means that in all matters of religion it is neutral. The state should not have its own religion. It should treat all religions equally.Almost all the countries in the world guarantee freedom of religion in some form or the other. Such a guarantee assumes special importance in a multi- religion country like India which owes its religious diversity to history rather than any recent or contemporary phenomena. Religion is a volatile issue in India and religious conversions add more to the volatility of the issue therefore various state governments have enacted anti-conversion laws with the purported aim of preventing conversions brought about by coercion or inducements.This research concentrates on the constitutional provisions on freedom of religion and recent issues of religious freedom in India.

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