IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study on Energy Efficiency Techniques in Cloud Computing

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Masthan Kunturu, Dr. Narendra Sharma


Since its inception, cloud computing has become increasingly popular thanks to its scalability and resource on demand capabilities. The distributed infrastructure of cloud computing (CC) enables users to access resources from any location and at any time. Through the internet, cloud computing offered a number of services, including platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and software (SaaS) as a service. Instead of creating his own infrastructure, which requires upfront investment and skill, the consumer uses third-party services. Cloud computing is growing more and more popular due to its availability, reasonable cost, limitless computing power, on-demand services, and high level of service. The service provider increases its resource capacity to fulfil consumer demands for availability and processing power. Large datacenters with large amounts of computers, data, and other auxiliary devices set up the infrastructure required to support cloud computing. The large-scale configuration of the datacenters, which include several computing nodes, results in significant electrical power consumption and greater operating costs. High energy demand was a result of this development in resource capacity. Energy consumption and privacy and security needs are two significant challenges for cloud computing. This study presents a survey on numerous energy-efficient cloud computing methods that use very little resources and power.

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