IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Religion is a universal phenomenon and people form different viewpoints regarding religion. The different meanings and understandings regarding religion by different people have been identified as, religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices that are relative to sacred things that is to the manner in which things are set apart and prohibited. There are some individuals that believe that religion is an attitude towards superhuman powers. In India, religion has been considered to be phenomenal and of immense significance, every individual has the right to practice the religion of his or her own choice this makes the country a secular country. In the present existence, within the schools and the educational institutions, there has been recognition of religious education and is considered to be significant. In India, performance of good deeds, communicating with each other in a respectful manner, working hard and being dedicated towards ones job duties, tasks and performances are considered to be vital aspects that an individual understood through religious education. The main purpose of this research paper, is to understand the significance of religious education, the main areas that have been underscored in this research paper are, understanding the significance of religious education, implementation of religious education in schools, religion and peace, religious diversity, and the influence of religion and caste on education. There is an existence of many religious groups in India, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Muslims. Each religious group exhibits one single feeling; each accepts the reality of immortality of soul, impermanent nature of the world, rebirth, the law of karma, good deeds, salvation, nirvana, reflection and all the other things that make a contribution towards the religious belongings. Each religion advocates primarily the single religious faith, and shares the belief in the value and the wholesomeness of life, faith in God, generosity, goodness, integrity and kindness, with every form of religion in the country.

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