IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A State of the Art Review on Homelessness and Poverty

Main Article Content

Bhirgu Raj Maurya


The research included a ‘rapid evidence evaluation' of the current evidential basis just on connections between poverty and homelessness, as well as an examination of relevant academic and grey literature from the United Kingdom and other developed countries. Homelessness has been widely defined for the purposes of the study to include rough sleeping or residing in buildings not meant or fit for human habitation, staying with near and dear ones because the person concerned has no home of their own and rental housing accommodation for homeless people (e.g. a hostel or night shelter). The JRF's working definition of poverty was used, which is defined as "where a person's resources are insufficient to fulfill their basic requirements. This article highlights homelessness as a social problem that exists in many societies and countries around the world. This phenomenon has become one of the biggest social problems facing the world in the twenty-first century. This encouraged the writer to investigate this phenomenon in his article. The article addresses some of the causes that lead to homelessness from the writer's point of view, the consequences of it, and the problems of homeless people. The writer mentions two main reasons for homelessness: lack of learning among homeless people and the use of drugs and alcohol. Whilst the writer states that the disease in homeless people is considered the most important effect of homelessness. As for the problems suffered by homeless persons, the writer determines the three most prominent which are poverty, hunger and loneliness.

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