IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Short Review on Phytomedicines

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Sheeja T Tharakan


The article has been discussing the plants and various methods of preparing medicines to obtain phytomedicines as an alternative approach to treat the Covid19 pandemic. The findings of the review article showcase that the “Withania somnifera (Ashawagandha)” which is effective for reducing stress, “Tinospora cordifolia” which is effective for preventing fever, skin diseases and others, “Curcuma caesia Roxb” which is effective for preventing asthma, bronchitis and others. In case the effectiveness of the plants has been identified then it becomes easy to make and experiment with those plants and prepare the medicine for the welfare of the people. “Anacardiaceae”, “Lamiaceae”, “Asteraceae” and others are some botanical family of plants which also provides concrete results in the form of phytomedicines. Covid19 has been an international concern which needs to be resolved through considering different treatments.

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