IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review Study on Technologies to Prolong the Shelf Life of Fresh Tropical Fruits

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Divya Prakash Singh


Southeast Asia, a typical tropical area, is a major exporter of a broad range of fruits throughout the globe. Fresh fruit sales have been steadily increasing, providing an opportunity for Southeast Asian nations to boost their national revenue. Tropical fruit exports, on the other hand, have constraints such as a short shelf life and difficulties preserving quality due to tropical climatic conditions and Southeast Asia's lack of established postharvest technology. One of the primary aims of postharvest technology research is to extend the shelf life of fresh fruits despite retaining its quality. As a consequence, it's crucial to figure out what factors impact fruit shelf life. The fundamental qualities of tropical fruits, external factors, postharvest treatments, as well as microbial contamination all have an impact on their shelf life. Southeast Asian countries have lately granted funds to agricultural research organizations in order to create novel postharvest technologies, minimize postharvest losses, and maintain exports quality of the fruit in order to enhance total sales of tropical fruit plantations. This research looks at how postharvest technology for tropical fruits has evolved in Southeast Asian countries, as well as how the key factors for extending the shelf life of tropical fruits might well be found

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