IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review Paper on Smart Traffic Light Control System

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Arun Kumar Pipersenia


The traffic issue is very complex owing to the participation of many variables. First, traffic flow is affected by the time of day, with peak hours generally being in the morning and afternoon; by the days of the week, with weekends showing the least amount of traffic and Mondays and Fridays showing dense traffic oriented from cities to their outskirts and backwards; and by the season, with holidays and summer showing the most traffic. Traffic light control systems are often used to monitor and regulate the flow of vehicles at intersections. They want to ensure that vehicles move smoothly along transportation corridors. However, considering the numerous factors involved, synchronizing several traffic signal systems at nearby junctions is a difficult issue. Variable flows approaching intersections are not handled by traditional methods. Furthermore, the current traffic system does not include mutual interference between neighboring traffic signal systems, disparities in automobile flow with time, accidents, emergency vehicle passage, and pedestrian crossing. As a result, there is a traffic bottleneck and congestion. We present a system based on a PIC microcontroller that uses IR sensors to assess traffic intensity and implements dynamic time slots of varying intensities. Furthermore, a portable controller device is being developed to address the issue of emergency vehicles being trapped on congested highways.

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