IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review on Use of Solar Energy for Drying

Main Article Content

Anil Kumar


The amount of energy used to dry food items is rising all the time. As a result, solar energy technologies must be considered in order to reduce energy usage. Solar energy is the greatest alternative to other energy sources since it is a clean source of energy. In underdeveloped nations, open sun drying technique is mostly utilized to preserve agricultural goods. In this method, the goods are harmed by insects, dust, rain, dirt, and a variety of other factors. To address these issues, several kinds of solar dryers have been developed and tested, demonstrating that sun dryers are quicker, more effective, sanitary, and better at promoting quality goods than open drying techniques. Solar drying is not feasible at night, which causes the dehydration process to be disrupted. Some integrated or hybrid drying methods have been developed to solve this. Various goods need different temperature ranges for drying, therefore it is critical to dry products at appropriate temperature ranges, which may be accomplished in a solar dryer, in order to preserve product quality and color. A thorough evaluation of several types of sun drying systems for various purposes has been conducted in this communication, assisting in the selection of the appropriate technology depending on the needs.

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