IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review on Dairy Farming in India and Its Popularity

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Usha Yadav


Dairy farming in India has the potential to offer farmers with additional revenue while also accomplishing important dairy farming goals, such as diversifying output and promoting the ecological cycle within the agricultural system. India is now the world's biggest milk producer, thanks to the industry's incredible growth rate. Furthermore, owing to improved market knowledge, there has been a rise in concern about the safety of milk and milk products, including pollution, toxins, and the lingering effects of different chemical compounds. Dairy farming is gaining popularity as an alternate choice throughout the world. Milk and milk derivatives have experienced a significant increase in demand in recent years. The article discusses milk farming in India, including how it has existed from the beginning of time, India resolution, dairy farming investment, and dairy farming breed collection. Due to several fundamental geographical, cultural, and economic advantages, such as traditional agriculture and indigenous technical knowledge and methods used by Indian farmers, etc., the fast growth of dairy farming in India is feasible. However, the predominance of small and marginal dairy farmers continues to pose a number of challenges, as well as a number of other flaws, to the quicker expansion of dairy farming.

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