IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Post-modern outlook of Anjum Hasan’s Neti, Neti

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. Johnsi Rani, Dr. Y. Vigila Jebaruby


The term Neti, Neti in Sanskrit means - Not this, Not this. This novel, Neti, Neti, is about people facing different challenges in society, like Sophie Das, Mukulika, Maya, and Swami. Different types of critical situations are encountered by other characters. Anjum Hasan has depicted her protagonists fighting for survival in the cyber age. She is aware of the challenges and troubles of women in the technocrat's world. Migration is a significant phenomenon in the postmodern era. These modern young men migrate to other states or countries for luxurious life, attractive salaries, and freedom. Moreover, the novelist poignantly brings out the human predicament in the postmodern age.

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