IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Novel Approach for E-Commerce System for Sale Prediction with De noised Auto Encoder and SVM Based Approach

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P.Vijaya Kumari, K.Chandrasekhar, C.Prabhavathi, D.Raghunath Kumar Babu, S.Ghouhar Taj
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/ISS7/326


E-commerce,oronlineshopping,hasgrownin prominenceoverthepastfewyearsthankstotheproliferation oftheInternet.Yet,therearealotofthingsthatcanaffectan online store's success, and if the operators don't correctly assess their supply and marketing partnerships, they could lose a lot of money. Thus, it is crucial to create a model that can reliably produce high precision sales prediction in order toguaranteethelong-termsuccessofe-commercebusinesses. Thesuggestedmethodcomprisesthreestages:preprocessing, Feature selection, and model training. This work uses zero- phase component analysis and normalization in the preprocessing phase to get rid of noise and inconsistent data. Finally, the model is trained with DAE-SVM after information gain is employed for feature selection. When compared to convolutional neural network and support vector machine models, the proposed model excels.

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