IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Glimpse of Socio-Cultural Patterns in 7th Century Northern India as Reflected in the Lives of the People: An outlook of two Texts.

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Ms. Gobina


The field of social history developed independently from economic and political history. However, there is no watertight compartment between them. It is also true that there is no fixed agenda to write social history. There could be multiple perceptions to study social history. One area of study is the issue of identity in the social sphere. It helps to distinguish the identity of an individual, a family, a community and a professional group. Identity is connected to the culture of a particular community and it helps to get a person or group legitimized in a particular society and its social system. In this context the important question is what is social in social history? Seeking answer to this question may take us to an in depth and complex analysis, where views of different scholars are different and their ideologies also differ to a great extent.

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