IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Design of COVID-19 Wearable Health Monitoring System Based on IoT

Main Article Content

V. Srikanth, B. Ravikumar


An infectious illness called Covid-19 severely damages the patient's lungs, which lowers the blood's oxygen levels. Therefore, it is necessary to often check the case's heart rate and Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen (SPO2). In the event of an emergency, prompt care may be given to the case by monitoring these characteristics. In order to solve the scarcity of healthcare workers, this project offers a useful paradigm in which a doctor may effectively utilize technology to monitor a patient's health from a distance. Temperature, heart rate, SPO2, and body movement are all measured by the model and presented on the LCD (liquid crystal display). The presented numbers may be seen on a doctor's smart phone through an app, allowing him to learn the patient's current condition without having to visit them in person. The information can also be utilized for further analysis and visualizations.

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