IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Comprehensive study on Trustworthy Computing

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Gulista Khan


Developing effective commercial connections and determining the acceptance of new technologies both depend on trust. To yet, however, trust in the context of cloud computing has gotten little attention, which has led to a lack of knowledge of the dimensions of trust in cloud services and trust-building antecedents. Although there are a number of conceptual models of trust in the literature for contexts related to cloud computing that may be used as a guide, especially trust in IT outsourcing providers and trust in IT artifacts, the peculiarities of trust in cloud computing necessitate a novel conceptual model of trust. A cloud service is both an IT artifact and a service offered by a business, to start. In this paper, the Microsoft-adopted Trustworthy Computing Security Development Lifecycle also known as the SDL is discussed. This approach is used to create software that can survive hostile attacks. The procedure entails adding a number of security-focused tasks and outputs to each stage of Microsoft's software development cycle.

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