IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Comprehensive Study on the Wearable Electronics Gadgets

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Pradeep Kumar Shah


A novel technology for next-generation electronics is the flexible and wearable electronics gadgets. These kinds of electronic gadgets can withstand significant geometric mechanical deformations without placing undue strain or stress on the materials they are built of. This technique may be used for flexible sensors, communicative packaging, transmitters, innovative photovoltaic and microfluidic devices, and fields of medicine and sports that demand flexible and conformable electronics. This comprehensive study explores the different electronics wearable gadgets design simulation methods. Computational mechanics may be used to expose many of these gadgets key underlying properties and create important design criteria for device failure. A system's maximum strain or stress as well as the critical strain for buckling are shown by the results. Additionally, research may be done to improve the mechanics and materials for the most stretchable circuits.

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