IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Comprehensive Study of the Antecedents of Trust in the Sharing Economy

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Vivek Anand Singh


The sharing economy requires consumers and prospective users to have a high level of confidence in both the individual and the platform with whom they are interacting. The repercussions of transaction partners' opportunism may be serious, such as items being damaged or personal safety being jeopardized. As a result, trust is a critical component in overcoming uncertainty and reducing risk. There is, however, no comprehensive review of how confidence is built in this setting. We conducted a comprehensive literature study to learn how consumers' confidence in the sharing economy is affected. Following the screening, 45 articles were included in a qualitative synthesis in which the findings were categorized using a well-known trust typology. The findings indicate that different antecedents of trust in the sharing economy (such as reputation, platform trust, and interaction experience) are linked to a variety of entities (i.e. seller, buyer, platform, interpersonal, and transaction). In this economy, trust is often limited to the exclusive use of reputation systems. Our research, on the other hand, indicates that trust is much more complicated than that, and that it goes beyond reputation. Furthermore, our analysis clearly demonstrates that research on trust in the sharing economy is still lacking, necessitating further research to fully comprehend how trust is formed in this setting. Our study is the first to examine the factors that influence trust in online peer-to-peer transactions and to incorporate these results into an existing framework. The paper also makes recommendations for future research in order to further our knowledge of trust in the sharing economy.

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