IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Vineetha Nair


This case study explores the complexities and challenges of solid waste management (SWM) in the urban context of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Mumbai, being one of the most densely populated cities in the world, faces significant issues related to waste generation, collection, treatment, and disposal. The study examines the current practices, policies, and their effectiveness in handling the enormous volumes of solid waste generated daily. The research methodology includes a comprehensive review of existing literature, policies, and data on solid waste management practices in Mumbai. Primary data collection involved interviews with key stakeholders including municipal officials, waste management experts, NGOs, and community representatives. Field surveys and observations were also conducted to assess the ground reality of waste management practices and infrastructure. Key findings highlight the inadequate infrastructure, lack of segregation at source, inefficient collection and transportation systems, and limited processing and disposal facilities as major challenges. The study also discusses the socio-economic and environmental impacts of poor waste management practices, including health hazards, air and water pollution, and urban aesthetics. Furthermore, the case study evaluates various initiatives and interventions undertaken by municipal authorities, NGOs, and private sector entities to improve SWM practices in Mumbai. These include awareness campaigns, decentralized waste processing units, and public-private partnerships aimed at enhancing waste segregation, recycling, and resource recovery. The analysis concludes with policy recommendations and strategic interventions to address the identified challenges and improve solid waste management in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region. These recommendations emphasize the need for integrated waste management systems, community participation, technology adoption, and stringent enforcement of regulations to achieve sustainable and efficient waste management practices in urban areas like Mumbai

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