IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Case Study of Iliya Abu Madi’s Works on Modern Arabic Poetry

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Dr. Mobarok Ahmed


In this paper an attempt has been made to study of Iliya Abu Madi‟s works on modern Arabic Poetry. The present paper is an exploratory one which aims at studying the role of indigenous knowledge for during the time when Arab countries, especially Lebanon experienced political and economic problems, a group of literary writers wanted to emigrate to other countries such as America, Brazil, Canada in order to enhance the living better than before. Part of this group of literary writers is Iliya Abu Madi who is considered the best poet. Besides, his poetry was taken as the starting point for poems of the modern era. He was affected by political and economic problems therefore immigrated to America and produced many works of exile literature during the time when living abroad, e.g. poetry, short stories, etc. So, Arabic literature has played an important role in revealing the status of environmental awareness in our society. A case study or survey method was adopted for conducting the paper, by the investigator especially for this purpose. The principal aim is to examine the effect of the impact of Iliya Abu Madi‟s works on modern Arabic Poetry. Lastly, self taught, Iliya Abu Madi is perhaps the most famous poet as well as an outstanding litterateur of the literary period known as Mahjar in Modern Arabic literature. There have been numerous dedicated studies on the life and works of Iliya Abu Madi‟s on modern Arabic poetry.

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